It has been far too long…. an Update

BE PREPARED… it is long…

As I sit day after day and love my life, I often wonder what life might have been had I followed my heart instead of what everyone else wanted me to do and to be. I spent way too much time working my way into a Bachelors Degree after allowing everyone else to guide my way and then somewhere I decided money was the way to happiness. My dream never really was to save the world. It was to move to West Virginia with my best friend in high school and go to college down there – at that time I had no idea what I really wanted to do. I just wanted to do something. However, I do believe deep in my heart I knew what I wanted all my life. I wanted to be an artist – I wanted to go to art college in Chicago. This I learned while spending my days in in school suspension. I would finish my school work for the week the first day or two and then have many more days to do what? So I drew and I wrote and I sketched. That was 25 or so years ago. I never really followed either of those dreams. I followed the path to the money because growing up so poor you have nothing to eat wasn’t what I wanted for the rest of my life and when I found out I was pregnant with the greatest love of my life – she would not grow up the way I did – bounced all over everywhere never knowing where home was. That I managed to half do – for about 2 years – oh I was all over and so was she. She will tell her story some day. I was running to the money and away from the life I never wanted to return to. In the end I came back… but not the way I grew up. I have spent many an hour in therapy (they finally told me there wasn’t much more they could do for me – I had reached all the goals we had set and then some) and then many more in recovery and working my program. It was here that I learned how to be me. The authentic me. The one that is sitting here writing this with tears in my eyes. The one that is allowed to have tears in her eyes ever so often – the one that knows it is ok to be sad for a loss – the loss of a person, family, pet – including chickens, or the loss of the innocence of my daughter. In all my heartbreaks, I am confident she broke my heart the most. I knew she would some day move away, what hurt was the way things happened. Oh, no I was not the perfect mom, hell I am not even sure I was half a good mom. I do know most of what I did was for her – I wanted her life to be better than mine. I didn’t want her to be sitting here in this moment writing something like this. Wow, ok, so I digressed a little. I live in what feels like me to be a mansion. I have lived in places like 6 times smaller than where I am now and some places a little larger and in more dangerous places. Anyway, I digressed just a little… I wonder what would have happened if I had followed my own heart? I have always been an artist – I have something I drew from when I was younger and in PA with my grandma at the cabin. I look back and see just how far I have come. I have done some amazing things and been part of history in the making – the kind that is in the history books. I am published, and will be again before the end of 2022. I believe everything in my life has led me to this moment. I do not believe in fate or destiny. I believe we make our own decisions and we write our own path. I am an artist- I am a pretty amazing one too. I have allowed my work to be auctioned for a good cause. I have not one but two mosaic tile benches to attest this also. I look at some of my work and am amazed at how good I am. I look at my photography and am amazed… I still prefer film over digital. In the end, I manage to capture that one second in time, that instant that needs to be remembered. My mother dotes on my photography, while at the same time putting herself down saying her art is not good enough – her stuff should be in a museum somewhere. I am currently curating my own photography showing – I am attempting to capture the unsung hero, you know that farmer you drive past on that back road and do not even see, that farm house that sits in the middle of 100 acres, the corn rows as they emerge from the ground and you do not even notice, the man and woman and children that get up to make sure you are fed. That is who and what I have captured. I have captured it without barely a human in sight… it will be a sight to see… I believe it is one of my best works yet. Ah, yes then there is one of my other passions, sewing – I have been given the opportunity to make this my life, my business, mine, all mine. But it is not all mine. It has been a 37 year road with so many bumps and heartaches to get to here. My beginnings go back to my grandmother and most recently (thank you Covid for some positive) the other unsung heroes – those that have allowed me to learn from them through virtual workshops and other “classes”. I have studied the basics, the couture, and am most enthralled with historic. I have spent most of my life with my head in science and theory. History allows me to have my head in reality and theory and use the best of all my abilities. I can research and learn and then come up with a potential topic and then research it to see if it has been done, if not, I can then write about it. But most of all, I use not only my intellect but also my creative when I am designing garments or a custom sewing job. I have one more passion that I never even considered. Horticulture! This is an ongoing adventure – and most of it is gardening – this allows me to “put up” food to save money the rest of the next year. But when I am out there, even when it is hard work and HOT (sometimes I have to come in for a few) I get to play in the dirt – I know some might not quite see that as playing, but really, at the end of the day and I am sore, I can tell you it is worth every single minute. It is not only healthy food, but healthy work. I prefer to be outdoors. I may not live in the Appalachian Mountains, but I live in the foothills and I can go home to those mountains in just a few hours. My grandma once told me (made no sense at the time) “you can take the girl out of the country, but not the country out of the girl”. Here today in these foothills there is really no place I’d rather be – ok, maybe Northern Georgia or Tennessee, still the same – I live in a rural county and a rural community where neighbors know each other and talk to each other and HELP each other when times are rough and people are down – or all at home because a global pandemic created a new opportunity to get to know those neighbors we might not have really known before. I could probably keep writing but the moral of the story is… after so many years, I am following my heart… I am letting my intellect take a time out… … I will add some photos another day and maybe some links… I am on Instagram and my business can be followed – – there is so much more… there is another post in the near future,…


Analog Vs Digital and the Downfall of Society

Oh my goodness there seems to be a never ending bombardment of try this app/program and try this app/program for all your time and project management needs. To be honest in the digital world I have yet to find one that can handle my life and all its pieces. As I type this blog, I am using Agenda. This is a pretty good App, but it is only for Apple products. My computer is a MacBook Pro and my phone is an LG (Android OS) — do we see the problem? And if I wanted them to sync between the two (if it were possible) I would have to pay a monthly or yearly fee.

So lets break it down first into analog. Oh, I forgot not everyone that reads this (it is in digital format) knows what analog means. Analog is the way we did it for hundreds of years and it seemed to work out marvelous until someone invented computers and programs on those computers. So, analog is paper/book/writing it down instead of typing it on a screen and seeing it there or printing it out.

Digital is just that — digital. A computer operating system that is running a program or app. The list of them is tremendous just for to do’s, calendars, mail, etc…

To be honest, I have my calendar in digital and I use an analog planner.  Why? Because I cannot write quick notes exactly where I want them in my digital calendar (or most programs), and because during a meeting (if I am bored) I can sketch a quick thought. I have tried a whole handful of task management, calendar/planner, notebook type programs and not a single one is really all that favorable. I write out a “battle plan” on paper for every day during the work week with check boxes. This helps me accurately (most of the time) budget my time accordingly. Some days, instead of checking the box I am putting an arrow and moving it to the next day or even two days later — in which case I either make a note right there to move to the next day or write on the day I plan to work on something again.

I have been trying to write this blog for months! And struggling… I use both analog and digital … but to be honest, If computers were poof gone one day, I would survive in the world of paper (analog) and a typewriter. Computers (desktop, laptop, cell phone, iPad, handhelds etc..) have taken away curiosity, communication, and the desire to want for anything. In a click on an electronic I can have just about anything I want in the time frame I choose — including INSTANT COMMUNICATION. I mean really, why go visit someone or even be with other humans when you can send a text, instagram pic, etc? Todays teens are in a terrible way. They base their worth on the number of likes they receive on something they post on social media or how many texts they get in a day etc.. They type in sentences of ✍️ ©™⛈😴🗄 and everyone is supposed to know whats that means. I have seen it with adults also. They spend so much time on an electronic they do not see the world around them, they miss out on so much, and they too base their worth on a post they put online somewhere.

I can assure you that I am on Twitter and Facebook — however, I am not on their every day anymore. I have more interesting things to do with my life than post what I had for dinner or that my clothes are hanging on the line, or that the grass grew and it had to be mowed. I choose to be the change I want to see in the world.

I challenge each and everyone of you to power your electronic down on Sundays and see how much more your family is together. You will start to see a change on non-electronic Sundays! Heck, I have even left my phone at the house when I have left!

I am including this article I ran across in one of my emails. I have put it in quotes as I have taken it directly from the author — take a minute and read it! It is astounding what has become of us (humans) and how we got to where we are today.

“There is a growing epidemic that is killing us as leaders, and it’s completely curable. Our culture is filled with more anxiety and stress than ever. None of us were built to handle what we are all dealing with on a daily basis. The average knowledge worker today is interrupted every 11 minutes by some form of communication. Many of us wake in the morning and immediately reach for our phones which we strategically placed on our bedside table the night before so that it will be the first thing we see each day. The people in our lives expect an answer to their messages in seconds, and they think we are ignoring them if we take even a few minutes more than that.

The result of all of this is chaos and chaos creates stress. Stress is a killer. It effects our health, causes confusion, and steals our joy. If it goes on long enough it might steal our time here on this planet and that would be even more tragic.

First Quarter Check In

Wow, hard to believe it is May already. It seems like I was just writing about my Nature Study goals for 2019. Well, I have completed a number of written entries in a number of locations (including my notebook on the kitchen counter, my actual nature journal, and even in my sketchbook), what looks like 17 or 18 sketches/drawings and taken a large number of photos, some with film and some with digital. (More images coming in a future post)… 

I have only finished the one book, see post Keeping a Nature Journal. However, I am reading 3 different books at once and I have changed 2 of my books for the year. I am removing Richard Louv — The Nature Principle and  Botany in a Day. Instead I am adding

A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There by Aldo Leopold

(Thank you Steven Rinella from MeatEater)  &

John Muir : Nature Writings: The Story of My Boyhood and Youth; My First Summer in the Sierra; The Mountains of California; Stickeen; Essays

I have not had a chance to get out and go on any hikes yet. But alas, the weather has just now finally broke enough that we can go outside and not be cold. In fact it has been in the upper 60’s and 70’s around here the last few days. If only it would dry up enough to get into the garden.

Leave me a comment and let me know how you are coming along with your Nature Goals for the Year so far.

Here are some of my journal entries:

Here is the Scoop

I have a calendar and I have a plan. And I am 3 weeks behind my plan already. My goal is to post something every other week, at least, sometimes more in a week, sometimes less. So you may see this post today, and then see another later this week. This is my way to get my voice heard.

So what you will see here is a conglomeration of things:

  • Nature Study Updates
  • Nature Study Book Project Updates
  • Writings, musing, and photos about my garden, the farm, the challenges, and the successes
  • Writings about life in general and thoughts that run through my head
  • Writings about my personal businesses: Lucky 7 Studios and Adams Consulting
  • Comments, thoughts, etc… about other peoples writings/posts
  • Writings about my research and being published — which by the way I just submitted an article for a magazine right before I wrote this — will keep you updated!
  • Other things I am involved in — for example: Salem Second Saturday — Come pARTy! in Downtown Salem as we celebrate the ARTS! (August 10, 2019) and other things
  • My art, quilting, sketching, and miscellaneous musings.