First Quarter Check In

Wow, hard to believe it is May already. It seems like I was just writing about my Nature Study goals for 2019. Well, I have completed a number of written entries in a number of locations (including my notebook on the kitchen counter, my actual nature journal, and even in my sketchbook), what looks like 17 or 18 sketches/drawings and taken a large number of photos, some with film and some with digital. (More images coming in a future post)… 

I have only finished the one book, see post Keeping a Nature Journal. However, I am reading 3 different books at once and I have changed 2 of my books for the year. I am removing Richard Louv — The Nature Principle and  Botany in a Day. Instead I am adding

A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There by Aldo Leopold

(Thank you Steven Rinella from MeatEater)  &

John Muir : Nature Writings: The Story of My Boyhood and Youth; My First Summer in the Sierra; The Mountains of California; Stickeen; Essays

I have not had a chance to get out and go on any hikes yet. But alas, the weather has just now finally broke enough that we can go outside and not be cold. In fact it has been in the upper 60’s and 70’s around here the last few days. If only it would dry up enough to get into the garden.

Leave me a comment and let me know how you are coming along with your Nature Goals for the Year so far.

Here are some of my journal entries:

Nature Study Goals for 2019

I received an email from Barbara McCoy of the Outdoor Hour Challenge titled Nature Book Project 2019. This sent me down an Internet Rabbit Hole, not only on her website, but into many a place.

It appears as if the end of 2018 is around the corner and it is time to begin thinking of goals for 2019. I usually set a list of goals that covers front and back of a page (I still need to see what goals I may not have completed from this year). This year I feel I need to break it down into more manageable pieces. Nature Study is something I have enjoyed most of my life even though most of the “study” part has been hit or miss. During a rough patch last year, my mother suggested instead of just photographing nature, I ought to draw it. It needn’t to be perfect, you never have to show anyone. So, below I am listing my Nature Study Goals for 2019. Make sure to subscribe so you do not miss an update. You never know what will happen.

  1. Choose 5 – 10 Nature Study books: I have only chosen 5, so as not to become overly ambitious. I will post these in a separate post with a little more detail.
  2. Begin work on a long-term photo project –> I am choosing Farming through the Seasons in NE and East Central Ohio. This will be a multi-year project.
  3. Begin work on a long-term sketch project –>  My goal is to sketch my property corner to corner (3 acres). This is a multi-year project also. I think for 2019 I will work on the overall layout of the property. The final goal is to write a field guide to my property.
  4. Visit 1 new Ohio State Park that I have not visited. Reference: Ohio State Department of Natural Resources.
  5. Visit 1 new National Park. Reference: Passport To Your National Parks® program
  6.  Choose one or two hikes from the following guides and hike: Follow the Blue Blazes: A Guide to Hiking Ohio’s Buckeye Trail, Trail Guide to Cuyahoga Valley National Park, or Hiking Ohio, A Guide to the State’s Greatest Hikes.
  7. Complete a total of 52 Nature Journal Entries for the year.
  8. Choose 1 plant in my garden and sketch it from seed to plate (so to speak).
  9. Visit 2 places of Ohio History (there is nature everywhere and many to be found in historic locations) that are found in Ohio History Connection using the Passport to Ohio History.

Leave me a comment with your 2019 Nature Study Goals for 2019. I am looking forward to reaching our goals together.

Be sure to subscribe to my blog to keep up on all the great happenings and to follow along with my Nature Journal Goals for 2019. I promise your email address will be safe with me. I will not rent, sell, lease, or give it away.

I am not compensated for any link you may click from this article. Every one has been checked as the date of publishing this entry. 28Dec2018_JAA.